View Profile ZeWitchKid
Illustrator , Multimedia and web designer student , programmer and cat-person if my profile seems inactive and never update its not your imagination...

Age 40, Male

Web design student


Joined on 6/28/09

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ZeWitchKid's News

Posted by ZeWitchKid - September 30th, 2009

Hello its been a while...do you remember me? XD

im not doing much now, sprite work take all my free time, however i do sometimes try new things here and there, i also decided to improve my drawing skills a bit by practicing perspective and comic art proportion ( like in marvel or DC comics) even if i mainly draw in Manga style, it dosent mean im interested in broadening my repertoire, so right now, i bough some "how to draw comic books" by Stan lee and Cristopher hart, in fact at the moment im typing this i have one under my nose and im litterally devouring the knowledge contained inside , haha!

as much as i like manga style, there are some aspects of drawing that isnt covered in that style, i have trouble making my characters look solid, and aligned with perspective, as much as it is covered while learning in how to draw manga books, its not explained well enough or not in a way i understand it...

the techniques used in comic art however , is more based on realistic drawing than figurative drawing, while manga is purely figurative...movement and expression is based on representative figures and not necessarily based on live models, i sometime have trouble figuring how a head or an arm or a whole body mass should be represented in the angle shown, i dont think i need practice much its just i lack pointers and tricks to express what i really want to draw

so far, from christopher hart's books alone, i just learned enough that my mind is already blown enough. i also like his more realistic drawing style, that is less exaggerated than marvel's comic style, I already practiced drawing faces, wich Im gonna show below.

what i like about comic art composition its its based beyond simple forms, its like after buliding your basic shape and forms there is an in-between step that is not covered in manga art, wich add the form of the skull behind the skin, as insignificant this detail is, it totally change the way i used to bulid faces, now it become easy to show where the skull lines show under the skin, giving a more realistic way to the face, there are other useful things i learned about buliding bodies, ultimately, i wanna merge both western comic with manga style to create my own hybrid style, by incorporeating the esteticism of the manga style and the realism of the western style.

the picture shown below is a montage made of four quick sketches i drew, each of them made in less that 5 minutes... the one in the lower left corner is an example of what im trying to archieve by mixing manga and western comic, if you saw my other art you would recognise a familiar face XD

Comic art

Posted by ZeWitchKid - September 23rd, 2009

two buddies and I decided to start working slowly on a flash game, since i know shit about flash il just make all the graphics Oo...this is a huuuuuuge task that might slow down my personal projects, but oh well i will keep posting stuff from time to time,

i dont have much to say about it except it will be a 3d isometric mini rpg featuring my comic,s universe( i know i havent shown much but i havent done much either anyway) i dont know how much time i plan to spend on it but il make sure to add a save feature and medals for all you players out there ^^

if you have any suggestions, just add it in the comments im open to ideas

Posted by ZeWitchKid - September 17th, 2009

thanks legolass! you just did me a major favor bro!
nothing sucks as much that posting a new pic while unscouted,it stress me to a point i have nightmares, ok lol not that much but, i really do enjoy all the feedback people provide, it motivate me to draw more art!

lets change subject... my boss hates me, i dont know why , mabie were just incompatible, thing is now she try to find any lame excuses to cause me trouble, so i drew the lil guy below while listening to the offspring's " she got issues"

"yeah yeaaah, yeah yeaah! oh man she got issues and im gonna pay...."

speaking of paying, im going to work now, and tomorrow, to the job application bureau.... just in case...

scouted back!

Posted by ZeWitchKid - September 12th, 2009

either M-bot entered excess of zeal mode or got a malfunction...
for scouting eightball 6219, i got rewarded by an instant unscout and suspension of my scouting privileges....
okay what the hell? what did tha guy did so bad so everyone who think his art is worth showing get treated like this? is that some kind of joke? har har hardly har! ive been looking at his art, the comments on his arts, his news page...and the comments on the page...nothing...no troll fights no racist/sexists/hateful comments of any sort,...okay he yelled once about " faggotry", nobodie is perfect
does that means now i have to pay for that?
i just scouted him because his stuff was nice, and despite that hes not the most talened out there, he got potential so what the hell?
when you scout someone, or click the scout this user , it gives you a " are you sure ? " message box
wouldn't that be convenient to also mention in the same box, or some other web page any infractions and potential risks of being responsible of anything that you, not only couldn't be aware of, in any possible way, but also any past rulebreaking actions and/violations the current user did?
that would make people's scouting safer and prevent bad surprises

i swear sometimes i think something is responsible of al that bullcrap and delight watching me suffer, but mabie im just paranoid...

lets change the subject! BOOBZ! you want em? you got em!
banner parodies strike again and hit hard, this time evony online took the hit , for spamming on every websites known to have banners , i though i had to add my magic touch to their advertisement
i present you a new and improved evony banner, free 2 play and free of bullshit

enjoy :D

Currrse you M-bot! cuuuurse youuuuu!

Posted by ZeWitchKid - September 10th, 2009

decided i had to show my real face, enjoy it !
its a caricaturial self portrait of me and some of my own characters , chibi sized and messing up with my nerves

i dare you to find from witch pic they are from !

lets change the subject!
today i had my qualifications exams for this school im getting in, because im damn sick of working for gas companies in C'Stores, the pay sux, the time sux, the place sux and for all the time i worked there...i lost my faith in humanity.

yes...its not damn hard to use a gas pump and pour that ever expensive life fluid for your costly polluting junk on wheel ! but everyone seems to always get it wrong!
and don't get me started on how people entrer the store and stare blankly around, like if they just woke up, and then ask themselves what they want...justtakeyourstuffpayitandleaved ammnit!


i should take all my bad experiences and dumb/funny moments with customers service in C stores
and draw a comic about it...yeah!

o well we will see what we will see, it shouldn't take too long before im done with that and get to be a real comic artist for marvel/Dc or some studio in japan , or 3d character designer/animator for a video game company, here we got Ubisoft, Edios, Electronic arts....were just missin Blizzard , but i dont wanna work for blizzard...World of warcraft is a dumb game, ( waiting for diablo 3 or starcraft2, now THAT is something worth the wait)

oh shit its 3 am ! why im still awake? damn you red bull...daaaaaaamn youuuuu!

i have a new face!

Posted by ZeWitchKid - September 9th, 2009

its been a while since i posted anything, i think i got unscouted again, probably due to my recent inactivity,for this i have two reasons.
the first reason, three words: World of Warcaft, this time consuming ,addictive, wasting, unproductive,game got me in its net once again,so i had to spend 2 weeks in some dungeons while some guy leeeroooy and the raid leader yell'' more dots more dots more dots!'' on vent( Oo?)
second reason, School! im back sitting on a bench to educate myself, i bailed school when i was 16,and went out there to make money and see the world,but i ended up with debts and stress, i want to be dont with the C'store buisness where i work, so im looking for a better eduction in order to become what i wanted to be, either a comic artist or some 3D designer/animator for games or movies.

at least i havent been completely idle , i worked slowly but surely on a new sub, wich was uploaded yesterday
40 total hours of work , and its worth it !

and i finally fxed my printer, so now i can print some of my work and slide it in my school binders, they have theses models that have a transparent pocket on the cover so you can slide anything, like a picture. wich give your math notes a really cool appeal, especially when its a sexy girl on the cover heh :D

Posted by ZeWitchKid - August 8th, 2009

i found a correlation about as muc recent a program is, so is the glitches and bugs are increasing...take Manga studio EX 4 for instance, for 249.99, you get a complete program designed for comics, with print management , perspective tools over 200 custom tones and many other shits, the program seems to have an ongoing autosave function, or other sub routine, that freeze the whole interface every 2 min...and of course most of theses every 2 min, you are stroking that tablet like a madman, and then come the first frustration, the whole interface freeze...make you waste 25 second of your life, and once it unfreeze...wham! your whole page is all screwed up, leaving a mess of tangled lines that scrap your would be work of art!

annoying, worst part is that there is NOTHING in the options that can stop it...

speaking of time wasting, i just though something, if time is an ongoing measure of courses of actions, and we as humans posses a limited lifespan, things that waste time,such as the retard who pay his gas at the gas station, complete his transaction...then decide he will buy a lotto ticket...then pay it then decide again to buy scratchers...then a pack of gum...yeah this guy! who waste 5 minutes of your lifespan only because he cant make up his mind and buy all his shit all at one...( and of course hes paying with a debit card...wich take 2 minutes per transaction) that guy just stole 5 minutes of your life...that you will never get back! same as for the old crank at the bus who pay his two buck bus ticket in the line with a handfull of nickels,or the fatass at the subway who keep changing idea when selecting his meats and bread for his sub, and more examples of theses alltogethers steal years from you , on the long run...its like they are slowly killing you...minutes per minutes...seconds per seconds...for all i care i could be doing other stuff like working my ass and get a bigger paycheck, or go to the beah ( long story...check the flash portal for a beah dress up flash)( yes im making this a typo intentionally thank you for noticing) and meet cute chicks in bikinni, or less....
..or i could waste this time in a way i choose...like world of warcraft...or tv...or fapping while watching porn on hentaitube and other shits

why there arent laws against this form of time molestation, i say if a person steal 5 minutes of your life they should pay you that 5 minute! time is money after all!

so i wasted 2 hours of my time to try to draw stuff on a 249.99 program, that dosent work just because some lazy programmer didnt had the ballz to add another line of code ( yess i know...typing stuff on a keyboard is soo exhausting )that simply would add a checkbox for : uncheck this if you dont want to have all your line screwed up every 2 minuts by some lame ass autosave sub routine)

they should pay me that 2 hour of my life...or at least credit it from what i paid to get that damn software....

picture description :

i got a new toy! and its glitched to hell

Posted by ZeWitchKid - August 4th, 2009

Reason: working on a personal project

here is some old sketch in the meantime

no sub till a week

Posted by ZeWitchKid - August 2nd, 2009

Yo ! took a day off anything spent my whole day sleeping and watching stargate episodes and listening to to miuz on youtube, kinda feel refreshed now

gonna get back on the booooring task of applying flats colors on my next sub...uploaded a sketch in my art section, its not available in the art portal, cuz its a sketch...

mabie im gonna add colors one of theses days...i dont know
also gonna get back on my comic soon il try to finish 30 pages, compress it into some episode, and find a website where you can upload that kind of stuff...anyone know some? post em in the comments plz

slept well!

Posted by ZeWitchKid - July 31st, 2009

haven't slept in 24 hours, gotta take a nap, i started the flat colors on my inquisitor pic,gonna finish it tonight mabie.