either M-bot entered excess of zeal mode or got a malfunction...
for scouting eightball 6219, i got rewarded by an instant unscout and suspension of my scouting privileges....
okay what the hell? what did tha guy did so bad so everyone who think his art is worth showing get treated like this? is that some kind of joke? har har hardly har! ive been looking at his art, the comments on his arts, his news page...and the comments on the page...nothing...no troll fights no racist/sexists/hateful comments of any sort,...okay he yelled once about " faggotry", nobodie is perfect
does that means now i have to pay for that?
i just scouted him because his stuff was nice, and despite that hes not the most talened out there, he got potential so what the hell?
when you scout someone, or click the scout this user , it gives you a " are you sure ? " message box
wouldn't that be convenient to also mention in the same box, or some other web page any infractions and potential risks of being responsible of anything that you, not only couldn't be aware of, in any possible way, but also any past rulebreaking actions and/violations the current user did?
that would make people's scouting safer and prevent bad surprises
i swear sometimes i think something is responsible of al that bullcrap and delight watching me suffer, but mabie im just paranoid...
lets change the subject! BOOBZ! you want em? you got em!
banner parodies strike again and hit hard, this time evony online took the hit , for spamming on every websites known to have banners , i though i had to add my magic touch to their advertisement
i present you a new and improved evony banner, free 2 play and free of bullshit
enjoy :D
I feel ya bud, my scout privileges were revoked too, although I dodged the rest of the bullet and some how didn't get unscouted.
too bad though, your a pretty good artist, I would have re-scouted you with out a second thought, so it looks the best I can do is try and push you to the top of the recommendation list.