its been a while since i posted anything, i think i got unscouted again, probably due to my recent inactivity,for this i have two reasons.
the first reason, three words: World of Warcaft, this time consuming ,addictive, wasting, unproductive,game got me in its net once again,so i had to spend 2 weeks in some dungeons while some guy leeeroooy and the raid leader yell'' more dots more dots more dots!'' on vent( Oo?)
second reason, School! im back sitting on a bench to educate myself, i bailed school when i was 16,and went out there to make money and see the world,but i ended up with debts and stress, i want to be dont with the C'store buisness where i work, so im looking for a better eduction in order to become what i wanted to be, either a comic artist or some 3D designer/animator for games or movies.
at least i havent been completely idle , i worked slowly but surely on a new sub, wich was uploaded yesterday
40 total hours of work , and its worth it !
and i finally fxed my printer, so now i can print some of my work and slide it in my school binders, they have theses models that have a transparent pocket on the cover so you can slide anything, like a picture. wich give your math notes a really cool appeal, especially when its a sexy girl on the cover heh :D
wow... my bro likes playing WoW....
i suck at it... when i tried it for the first time
ZeWitchKid (Updated )
i played this game too much, im bored out of it, only connect when there is something new, play for a week or 2 then quit
drawing is more fun ^^