...so...what did in missed?
Ah yes , Obama finally got an ebauche of universal health care for america
tax payers : 1 greedy fat cats : 0
and somewhere in the french part of canada , they took away our free universal health care and replaced it with a semi-private 200 bucks a month insurance that NO fucking One want
all that under the pretext of a buget deficit...THAT THE SAME ROTTEN GOVERNMENT CAUSED HIMSELF THE PAST 10 YEARS!!!!
way to go Jean charest, now you got me a reason to become a barber and buzz saw that wooly braids you so proudly wear...
...once you guys are done with Obama , can we have him please?
why do you want Obama?
he just butchered Health Care.
its not better, things have only gotten worse.
id like to hear your arguments about that , if you mean butchered a privatized health care system that make profit over everyone disease, and even got the nerve to deny people coverage when they direly need it , under the pretext of "preexistential conditions " or in other words " you arent profitable enough for us"
and the same fat cats that deny coverage after a 10 years 17 000 bucks insurance per year , get a bonus on their paycheck for that....
now obaman want to make the system more fair to the peopople that get ripped off by the same fat cats
if you call that butchering , then id be the first to pull the trigger!