"when the wise man point at the stars , the idiot look at the finger"
"when the wise man explain that his finger have no importance that he was talking about the stars,the idiot listen to the wise man and think that the wiseman's speech is awesome"
"wehen the wiseman nerves snap , and yell to the idiot to look at the goddamn stars, the idiot is struck in fear and dosent look up'
" when the wiseman give up and start talking about his finger because the idiot seems to be facinated by it, the idiot think that the wiseman is a man that can make himself understand well by other, and can talk about everything, even his finger'
" when the wiseman finally die, the idiot mourn for him, and then think, i wonder what was he talking about when about when he pointed his finger so high over his head?"
I... what? Whos chinese? What are they saying? Whos saying what? Where am I? How did I get here?
youre supposed to be captain obvious fourth of the name, you should know that :P