i love Rts games , but i hate Bad rts games, i used to play C&C Red alert 2 all day when i was a kid and lately i tryed ra3, what a terrible surprise, the game is far from what i expected, while the graphics are good, they dont stand out much compared to c&c generals, its the same graphic engine, a little bit better , but nothing special, however while the graphics are nice, the gameplay is HORRIBLE!
when i was playing ra2 the game was going on a little bit faster, everything was moving fast, base were blooming like shrooms , units where killed fast if you used the right weapon against em,ressources bulid up fast, unit move quickly from one spot to another... and such, but ra3 is like warcraft 3...everything is SLOOOOOOOW, and DUMB!!!, if your not watching your troops they get decimated with no effort, its simple,,,they just stand there while being killed! tanks get shot by rockets? no problem they will just take a nap and wait till they get blown up, same goes for infantry , planes and whatever giant robots they added, i never saw units be so dumb! sometime they simply dont follow commands at all, you tell em to attack and it take like a thousand clicks so that one in your entire group start firing, while the others are drooling there...waiting to be killed.
this game is a total mess, and the worst part is they made an expansion
today games suck...they are all about graphics and dumb gameplay
change of subject, an update onface expressions, tell me what you think.
ah, yes i was a bit dissapointed with RA3 as well, personly i think Zero Hour is actually one of the best C&C ever.
When Electronic arts bough Westwood studios,they Killed C&C. RA2 was the last game worthly of being called C&C.